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May 2029

Vyhlásenie o prístupnosti

Office of the Military Representative


The Military Representation of the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to NATO works to implement military policy of the Slovak Republic through its participation in the Military Committee of NATO and the Military Committee of the EU as well as in their bodies and agencies.

The Military Representation accomplishes tasks in the area of defence planning, command, control and communications, force planning, development of military capabilities, crisis management, training and exercises, operations, CJTF concept, NATO´s strategic concept, implementation of European Security Strategy, military infrastructure, standardisation of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, logistics, civil and military air traffic management and air command and control system.

In the above mentioned areas, the Military Representation participates in development of the military policy and strategic documents of NATO and the EU.

Main Tasks

The Military Representation of the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to NATO:

  • Develops strategic documents and recommendations for decisions to be taken and positions to be adopted by the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic and by NATO,
  • Prepares drafts and recommendations for policies and positions to be adopted and decisions to be taken by the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic at meetings of bodies, agencies and committees of NATO and EU,
  • With other NATO member countries, consults policies of the Slovak Republic with respect to policies and decisions of NATO and EU. The Military Representation reports back to the Ministry of Defence on the views expressed and positions taken by other countries,
  • Participates in preparation and organization of bilateral negotiations and visits between the Slovak Republic and NATO and the Slovak Republic and EU,
  • Takes part in meetings and activities of bodies, agencies and committees of NATO and EU within its specific areas of competence,
  • Consults, together with the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to NATO and its subsidiary bodies, Representation of the Slovak Republic to EU, the Office of National Military Representative of the Slovak Republic at SHAPE and the National Liaison Team of the Slovak Republic at SACT, on political and military issues within its specific areas of competence,
  • Consults, together with the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to NATO and its subsidiary bodies, Representation of the Slovak Republic to EU as well as with bodies, agencies and committees of NATO, on personnel, administration, information and object security,
  • Participates in development of national positions to be adopted by the Slovak Republic.


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