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International Annual Summary Conference

International Annual Summary Conference

Slovak Military Police organized International Annual Summary Conference on the ground of the Armed Forces Academy of General M.R. Stefanik in Liptovský Mikuláš. The conference participants gathered in order to evaluate activities of the training year 2010 regarding the NATO Multinational Military Police Battalion (NATO MNMPBAT) project and related exercise series „Black Bear“. Beside evaluation this conference simultaneously opened planning process for the training year 2011.

The main objective of the international conference was annual evaluation of training activities in 2010 and determining the specifications for the NATO MNMPBAT live exercise „Black Bear 2011“, scheduled for September 2011 in Military Training Area Lešť, and all related planing and training activities. During the conference the key positions of the MNMPBAT project have been rotated – Command a Control Group Chairman, Battalion Commander and other staff positions. Based on the annual rotation during the year 2011 the Slovak Military Police is responsible for the project management and coordination.

The Military Police representatives from the MNMPBAT project member countries - Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland and Slovakia attended conference, as well as the representatives from the NATO Multinational Corps Northeast Headquarters, Szczecin (Poland) and NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Mons (Belgium). Representatives of the Bulgarian Military Police attended conference as observers. Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Slovak Republic, Major General Jaroslav Vývlek supported the conference by his visit and address to the conference participants.

Autor: RVP , Foto: RVP - Dátum: 10.12.2010
Čítanosť: 8482
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