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The NATO MNMPBAT staff preparation has begun in the Poland

The NATO MNMPBAT staff preparation has begun in the Poland

Within the time period 14 - 18 March 2011 the NATO MNMPBAT staff has started with its first working session that took place in the Polish Military Police Training School; this activity officially opened preparation of the battalion staff in training year 2011.

This working session was focused on the battalion staff harmonization; on revision of the battalion SOPs and their updating, and identification of further areas that are necessary to be covered by the SOPs. Next task for the battalion staff was familiarization with the operational task and operational order for training year, which battalion commander received during the session. Battalion commander after that performed analysis of the received task and submitted request for additional complementary information.

The working session has successfully started preparation for the Military Police international exercise LIVEX “Black Bear 2011”. Next step to fulfillment of ambition to conduct mentioned exercise is Command Post Exercise that battalion is going to perform in April in the Slovakia. Mentioned training and the live exercise itself are part of preparation to affiliation to multinational corps MNC-NE, which the battalion is expecting in 2012.

Autor: RVP , Foto: RVP - Dátum: 01.04.2011
Čítanosť: 10689
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