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Ended the phase of training exercises "BLACK BEAR 2011"

Ended the phase of training exercises

On Sunday, 11. September. 2011 took place phase of preparations for the international exercise NATO MNMPBAT BLACK BEAR 2011. All workplaces for themselves and exercise centers that provide support military police units fine-tune the last details needed for its activity during exercise.

Monday begins Phase I - deployment, which will run until Wednesday 14 September 2011. During the day, are arriving individual units from Member States (CZE, HRV, POL and SVK) to camp “SLAVIA”. Members of Military police SR will carry out shooting from assigned personal weapons on shooting range and shooting infantry fighting vehicles in the area “Brožkov spring”.

Gradually, the NATO MNMPBAT troops will be equipped with systems MILES (also vehicles used during exercise) which will serve as an aid to analysis and evaluation of activities undertaken NATO MNMPBAT. The system MILES is provided by members of ÚŠZV Lešť - Department of pacing technologies.

Till Wednesday 14 September 2011, gradually all involved States will participate on live shooting, which will culminate in a shooting competition for the fastest shooter NATO MNMPBAT. Then participants of international exercise will take part on the next phase - Phase II – exercise execution.

End of training

Autor: MP , Foto: MP - Dátum: 11.09.2011
Čítanosť: 8403
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